Ian L Wallace & Co aims to provide quality Chartered Accountancy and Tax Return services to the Sydney region at a reasonable cost.
This will mainly comprise Taxation and Accounting services to Individuals, Partnerships, Companies, Trusts, Deceased Estates, Small Business, Self Managed Superannuation Funds and Not For Profit Organisations.

The practice previously operated from
Suite 207, 2 Pembroke Street, Epping NSW 2121

Please visit us at our new location:
Chan & Naylor Pymble
Level 2, 5/55 Grandview Street, Pymble NSW 2073

Changes in legislation and standards will be managed through our investment in training, technical data bases (Web sites, Subscriptions), Tax Agent information, Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia publications and handbooks, memberships of ICAA, Australian Taxpayers' Association and NTAA, MYOB professional tax and accounting software.